Sabrina Corner shares a love letter

Sabrina Corner and her partner celebrated two years together this weekend!

Also read: Sabrina makes a slip, which causes great laughter on the set

Our cultural columnist opened his heart to his Instagram followers. She shared a beautiful love letter in which she pays tribute to the man who shared her life for two beautiful years, Franுவாois.

Through these 731 days of happiness, They traveled to Quebec and elsewhere, Adopted a dog named Henry, Moving together … solidified their love in times of epidemics.

Here is Sabrina’s love letter:

“2 years

731 days to share my life with this man (2020 was the leap).
This is an exceptionally handsome man.
This is too much to be the exception.
It means that we are different from everything else, we are an exception.

You, Francois, you are an exception to me.
My exception.

You are my girlfriend, but also my best friend.
You gave me confidence in good business.
You teach me to love well.
You teach me every day to accept what is loved.

I know I have the privilege.
Offer to infinity.
I have seen very bad anxiety attacks.
Not scaring yourself is bad. You stayed.
You admire my hair when I cry.
You are patient when I am not patient.
You take care of me and you teach me to take care of myself.
To do nothing.
Well done.

You support me in all my projects.
You make me laugh. (Sometimes I roll my eyes.)
You hear me tell long stories that don’t puncture with too much detail.
You know me by heart.
I even think you know me better than you know me.

My dear, you are my strong point.
You are the one who keeps me in one piece.
The one who brings me back to the present.
Worse than the present with you, it’s so beautiful. “

We wish them many more decades and decades of happiness!

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