“Hyascent”, “Negro”, “Prime Time” and “Leave No Traces” – from this group of films, the Polish Oscar Committee will select a Polish nominee for the 2022 Oscar in the category of Best International Film. . The Polish Film Institute has notified the list of nominees.
The Polish Oscar Committee announced, on Tuesday, the list of films from which the 2022 Oscar nominee will be selected in the Best International Film category. As the editors of tvn24.pl found out, this year the commission received four applications, and therefore the candidate will be selected from this pool.
The films presented are: “Hyacynt” by Piotr Domalewski, “Najmro” by Mateusz Rakowicz, “Prime Time” by Jakub Piątek, and “Let there no trace” by Jan P. Matuszyński. The four were also among 16 films From the main competition of this year’s Polish Film Festival in Gdynia.
Jacob Petick’s “Prime Time” premiered at Sundancenext movie
Oscar 2022. Polish Oscar Committee
This year’s committee is chaired by Ewa Buchinska, a film producer, who co-created the successes of Bawkowski’s films “Ida” and “Cold War”.
The committee also includes: Director of the Polish Film Institute Radosław Śmigulski, Academy Award winner Jan A. Including “Judas and the Black Christ”) and Magorzata Šcpkowska Kalimba, Head of the Department of Film Production and Film Project Development at the Polish Film Institute.
Oscar 2022. International movie
“An international film is defined as a full-length film (more than 40 minutes) produced outside the USA and its territories with a predominant dialogue track (more than 50%) in a language other than English. Full-length animated documentaries films are permitted” – a reminder on its website at Internet PISF.
A film representing a country in that region must be shown between January 12 and December 31, 2021. The Academy of Film states that an applicant’s film must be shown to the public for at least seven consecutive days in a commercial cinema.
Main image source: Richard Harbo / © AMPAS
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