(Quebec) surgery will have to wait until 2023 to make up for the delay caused by the infection. Quebec on Thursday reduced its capture program to a waiting list for surgery, which has been significantly extended due to infection.
Health and Social Services Minister Christian Dube on Thursday outlined the key objectives of his strategy for obtaining surgical interventions. The health crisis, especially the first wave in the spring of 2020, increased the waiting list, while operating theaters sometimes ran to a maximum of 50% of their capacity.
Before the epidemic, about 125,000 people were waiting for surgery. Today, their number is about 145,000, of which 47,000 have been waiting more than six months. Another 19,000 have been waiting more than a year. So the task will be huge.
Quebec hopes to return to the “pre-epidemic stage” by March 2023. 2021 should allow authorities to “stabilize” surgical operations at a 100% rate. This level is almost 90%, as the epidemic in Quebec has lost momentum. About 26,000 operations are carried out per month.
By October 2021, that number will rise to 36,000. In particular by 2022, we would like to undertake 5,000 additional activities per month to achieve an encouraging, average 40,000 monthly activities.
“Otherwise it takes time and courage to do so,” said Assistant Minister of Health and Social Services D.S.Re Lucy Obterny.
“It simply came to our notice then. We know this, but I think this is our job, and our role is to make it real, “said Health Minister Christian Dube.
Image courtesy of the Government of Quebec
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Quebec offers summer to identify solutions that can be used to achieve its objectives. The capture plan should be implemented in the fall. Mr. Dubai wanted health workers – at the end of their rope – to go on vacation. He recalled that the vaccination campaign continued throughout the summer.
“What we don’t want to do, especially in this time of epidemics, is to bring to the fore the solutions we impose on our partners,” he said. Dube explained.
Photo by David Boyle, Press Archives
Minister of Health, Christian Dube
It’s easy to say that the operating room can be open for two hours a day, and then it will give so much. But if there are no nurses interested in coming and doing it, it won’t do much.
Christian Dubey, Minister of Health
The Legalt government is still in talks with health network employees to renew their collective agreement. Employment contracts have been suspended in the event of a health emergency.
Quebec has signed 25 agreements with private medical clinics. The private sector will continue to be “an important part of the solution”Re Optrney. The “majority” contracts with these clinics are for two years.
The implementation of this future capture plan has not yet been calculated, but Minister Christian Dupe has argued that it is an “economic issue”[était] Not a stock ”.
Provide for the “Invisible” list
The health minister explained that the summer would allow patients coming from an “invisible list” to come before the doctor they attend. Over the past year, authorities have noticed a 24% drop in suggestions and requests for action, compared to pre-epidemic levels.
It is therefore not superfluous to estimate that “thousands” of cases could be added to the current waiting list.
This is the list we are talking about. These patients have never seen or have never seen a doctor [en raison de la pandémie] Should be placed on the waiting list.
The DRe Lucy O’Brien, Assistant Minister of Health and Social Services
It is believed that those currently on the list for more than six months will receive “priority” for surgery “in the next few months”. Minister Christian Dubey went a little further and reaffirmed his belief that “by the end of the summer, these people will be in touch.”
Once the plan to measure progress is finalized, Mr said his teams will be able to follow the reduction in the waiting list in real time. Dupe promises. For cancer patients, the average duration of a surgical intervention in Quebec is 17 days, despite the infection, d.Re Be careful.
The goal is to reduce the average waiting time to six months or less for all other activities. The target is partially achieved by March 2023. To achieve this fully, dRe Obadrney estimates it will take another year, which will take us to March 2024.
They said
These are realistic goals […] The main challenge will be to do it on the pitch. Every hospital has different realities, even in each region, we saw this during epidemics […] This is a very complex mosaic, so we have to accommodate the maneuver for local teams.
The Dr Vincent Oliva, President of the Federation of Specialist Physicians of Quebec
It is ambitious […] The great challenge for the coming weeks and months to succeed in overcoming this delay will be human resources. […] Will all resources be at the level we trust? I think this is the big issue.
The Dr Louis Codin, president of the Federation of General Coaches of Quebec
There is currently a severe shortage of health professionals in the network, in this context, the government will face tough choices. It is clear that the resumption of operations must be done in a safe environment. […] This means that the plan of choice will have to take into account the number of health professionals [aux heures] Extra mandatory.
Nancy Bedard, President of FIQ
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