Without Mixed ManiaWould not have been Star Academy. Without Mixed ManiaThere would not have been eight chapters VoiceVersions aside Younger voice. Without Mixed ManiaThe earwax would not have been the model You’re leaving (it’s good for me) !
Released at 7:15 p.m.
Twenty years ago, in August 2002, Vrak launched one of the first musical reality shows in Quebec, bringing together eight young people – a popular mix – on a large colorful terrace. Divided into two groups as No Sad (Women) and Urban Security (Comrades), these young men learned to sing and walk in the eyes of the cameras. And they performed at 100% French speaking candy pop.
No one can predict stratospheric success Mixed ManiaIt caused quite a stir at the Galleries de la Capitol in Quebec City, where 12,000 fans chanted the play’s lyrics. Touch the sky. “You and I upstairs, you and I, we will never stop!” ⁇
Let’s go back to 2002, the period before thatStar Academy Where shows like cannon American statue Demolished only a few weeks. It was time for the purists to vomit on this TV accessory that would shamelessly disappear with butterfly clips and colored “ketchup chips” in the hair.
Damn, reality TV! These “artists” are not producing art, but indigestible sausage with a commercial flavor.
How wrong those killers are. They have no vision of how.
Twenty years after departure Mixed ManiaTwo of its former participants, William Clutier (Mixmania3) And Krystel Mongeau (Composition 4), Have been successful in past seasons Star AcademyAnd VAT. Claudia Bouvet Mixmania2 Very advanced Big Brother Celebrities Released a great Electropop album in Nouveau Paradise Club.
Photo CATHERINE LEFEBVRE, Special collaboration
Claudia Bouvette starred in Season 2 Mixed Mania Before embarking on the adventure Big Brother Celebrities And start an album, Paradise Club.
If you follow VoiceYou may have seen ex-combinations including Crystal Monkeyu (he’s back!), Redge (winner). Composition 4), Gabriel Forest (Mixmania3) And Tommy Tremble (Mixmania2) Yes, Anne-Sophie Demers (Mixmania2) Moved to XOXO’s cardboard condo too, but don’t open this case which is still painful, thank you.
To measure the strong impact of the oldest music reality show in Quebec, Grave releases documentary on Wednesday Mixmania: 20 years later, Which draws the attention of 2002 Cohardt, Original Mix. It’s very good, albeit a little less than forty minutes. For at least an hour and a half, the easy movie material was here.
In a convent system Vintage, Tells Annabelle, Julie, Ariane, Frank, Emmanuel and Pierre-Luc Bianca Gervais – who also directs the documentary – the pros and cons of being fed at such a young age by the screaming cries of the Bell Center and FrancoFolies. How to chop chicken pressed in IGA without feeling like it is “there” at 18?
Note for Mixmania: Carolyn Marcox-Gentron and Benjamin Lollipop have declined to appear in the Grave documentary. They are not forgotten.
At the height of the pop wave, it pushed Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys to the top, Mixed Mania Members of the Y generation were able to create instantly recognizable accessible statues. In the episodes aired by Wrock, Mix repeated their words, made mistakes in their choreography and cried if they did not like the dress, which made them more human than Justin Timberlake, untouchable, flawless and unruly.
Competitors are revealing their personal lives on television Mixed Mania Long before social networks came along, it established a close bond with their fans. Today, popstars spread confessions, advertisements or home tours on DickTalk and Instagram. In 2002, for everything, for everything, to know everything about the mix, you had to buy the magazine Cold.
In their living room, tens of thousands of Mixmanians remade No Riggs dance scenes and copied their Y2K style costumes, which, strangely enough, are now recycled by Generation Z.
Very attractive at the event Mixed Mania, This is the place of the French. All the songs of the four seasons effectively and catchy were written in our language. In 2002, the Twins were screaming Dinner guys Where 5 fingers of the hand. In 2011 it was Zero point love Where As long as we love each other.
And today? There was a rumor about a possible resurrection of the form Mixed Mania And talks have been initiated in this direction. Bell Media, however, wants to buy Bianca Kervais’ documentary, which thwarted the rebirth project.
However, it is obvious that, a Mixed Mania 2022 will work. As Season 2 sang Chlamydia, the show broke the ice and took its place. If competing reality shows want to update their candidates, other mixes have to dance, dance, sing, sing, hey, oh!
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