M jak miłość, Episode 1625: Death of Anita. Kamel will give up his fortune, but it will be too late – Trailer, Pictures
A horrific tragedy in the episode 1625 AD Jacques Millo! Scenes from the American thriller will be shown in Full House (Marcin Bossack) on Deszczowa Street! A decadent mother (Ewelina Kudeń-Nowosielska) Pola (Hania Nowosielska) and her lover Anita will attack and Kamel’s daughter will be kidnapped! Will Anita lose her life while defending the child? Kamel will regret not giving his ex-lover the property when she wanted her daughter to sell it. But in the 1625 episode “M jak miłość” it will be too late for everything! Watch full house drama in the gallery!
Section “M jak miłość” 1625 – Monday 5 January 2022, at 20.55 on TVP2
Will Anita die in episode 1625 “M jak miłość”? The drama that will take place in a full house on Deszczowa Street will be worth the worst memories of the attacks of psychologist Artur (Tomas Kichorowski) on Isa (Adrian Kalska) and children. Unfortunately, this time it is the best person in the world, not a psychic, who can lose his life! It seems that Kamel will regret not “buying” his daughter from her defunct mother.
On the morning of 1625, in the episode “M jak miłość”, Weronika will appear at Gryc’s house with an offer to sell Pola. However, Camille will not be interested in another big investment in the life of Veronica, who has changed her mind more than once. However, this time the lawyer will regret that he did not give her all his assets.
– I’m leaving Poland… – Weronika will start asking for big money.
– I’ve heard that many times – Camille will not believe a single word of the ex-lover.
– This time forever! I won’t fight anymore… It’s better if Paula stays with you. I’ll give you Paula if… you give me thirty thousand. I swear I’ll forever go out of your life! Veronica will start swearing and begging.
However, playing in the 1625 episode “M jak miłość” in response to these sections would only explode with a loud sarcastic laugh.
– Sorry, you won’t fool me! I’m raising a child, paying off the loan, and I’ve already made a fortune out of me… Bye!
But on the same day, in the 1625 episode “M jak miłość”, Kamel will cry bitterly over the fact that he did not give Weronika everything. Paula’s desperate mother and her lover next to her will break into the house on Deszczowa Street, they will kidnap Paula, and Anita will be tortured by a dangerous bandit who is not unconscious!
When Kamel, in episode 1625 “M jak miłość”, finds an unconscious bloodied Anita in the house, not even a trace of the child left, he will weep bitterly over his decision. This will be the moment when he is ready to give up all his assets and borrow more, at least to reverse the course of events. But it will be too late.
M jak miłość, Episode 1625, Trailer: The Kidnapping of Paula! Kamel will find Anita unconscious, and he will face the killer Budzinski
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