Jean-Marc Vallee has passed away.  The “Welcome to the Club” manager was 58 years old

Jean-Marc Vallee was found near a house in the suburbs of Quebec, Canada. Nathan Ross who worked with Vallée on the film’s production said, “Jean-Marc nurtured creativity and originality and constantly tried something new. He was a true artist and a generous and loving man. Everyone who worked with him saw his talent and imagination.” He was my friend, my creative partner, and my older brother. We will miss Mr., but it is comforting that his beautiful style and the work he shared with us will live on.”

The Canadian director made his debut behind the camera in the short film Stereotypes (Stéréotypes, 1992); He was noticed by Hollywood after the production of the drama “The Black List” (“Liste noire”, 1995). He was popular with viewers thanks to the films “Young Victoria” (2009), “Welcome to the club” (“Dallas Buyers Club”, 2013) and “Dzika Droga” (“Wild”, 2014). The films also received critical acclaim. “Welcome to the Club” won three Oscars (he won Best Leading Actor Matthew McConaughey; Best Supporting Actor and Best Make-up for Jared Leto. The two main actresses of the movie Wild Road, Reese Witherspoon And Laura Dern was nominated for an Academy Award, but did not win.

Vallée collaborated with Witherspoon and Dern on the HBO series “Big Little Lies”, which won an Emmy (the full category name is Best Director for a Limited Series, Television Movie, or Special Drama) and an American Film Director Guild Award. The director also made the series for HBO . “sharp objects”Starring Amy Adams. Vallée is set to film another HBO series, Gorilla and the Bird, based on Zack McDermott’s memoir. The production was to revolve around a general defender who suffers a sudden mental breakdown.

Jean-Marc Vallee was 58 years old. The director left two children.

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