Is Sony preparing another remaster?  The updated game is coming to PS5 and PC

In recent years, the PlayStation community has had many opportunities to relive popular games in a slightly updated setting or with new elements. It turns out that later this year, in addition to The Last of Us Part II Remastered, players will likely enjoy Kat's adventure.

In the second half of 2022, we learned that Sony was working on bringing another interesting, albeit somewhat forgotten, franchise to the big screen – Gravity Rush was set to join IPs like The Last of Us, Uncharted, and Gran Turismo Horizon and Ghost. Tsushima and reaching new audiences. Footage from the film was shown at this year's CES, but so far we haven't seen many details. An insider, who previously shared information about the series, revealed more details about the new project – we can wait for an update to the second part of Gravity Rush, which debuted in 2017.

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Gravity Rush 2 Remaster is set to debut on PS5 and PC – however, the PC version will not be released at the same time as the PlayStation 5 version, and players will have to wait a little, as was the case with the first part of The Last of Us. Currently, tests of the updated production are said to be underway.

Sony is likely to present the game in May of this year, while Gravity Rush 2 Remastered will debut in the summer. Which will certainly affect the PlayStation manufacturer's timeline to some extent. However, the informant emphasizes that these are not “fixed” deadlines, and everything depends on the further course of work.

What improvements can we expect in the updated Gravity Rush 2? First of all, the title will receive an “improved” photo mode, while the online items that made it possible to obtain tokens will be replaced by an additional side quest. But for now, we have to accept this kind of information with some caution, because PlayStation doesn't even mention the project.

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