The helicopter crashed in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu in Montérégie on Tuesday evening.
The accident happened in a field between the highway 35 and the Chemin de la Grande Ligne, on the edge of Carignan, in the territory of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu.

While the Grande Ligne road was closed to traffic, the QMI agency was able to observe several police officers and firefighters working at the scene of the accident in the evening.
Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu police said the pilot from Carignan, who was alone on the plane at the time of the incident, was uninjured despite damage caused by the plane that flipped over on its side after the crash.

For its part, Hydro-Québec confirmed that the helicopter hit wires when it crashed, affecting about 200 homes.

“Our teams are on their way to assess the situation,” said Melanie Destremps, a spokeswoman for the state-owned company, adding that recovery time would depend on the severity of the damage.
– With information from Maxime Deland, QMI Agency
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