“Guest News”.  Obajtech: Poland is ready to abandon Russian raw materials

PKN Orlen President Daniel Obajtek said European energy solidarity is essential to diversify the supply of raw materials. On “Gość Wiadomości” on TVP Info, he confirmed that Poland is ready to part with Russian raw materials, and that Orlin has been working on it for years.

Morawiecki on CNN: Accused of xenophobia, Poles open their hearts to 2.5 million Ukrainians

– We have been accused of xenophobia, and here we have the Polish nation, which in four weeks opened its hearts and doors to two and a half million Ukrainians …

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The war in Ukraine – Transfer

– Before the outbreak of the war we diversified by 50 percent. Crude oil supply to the Orlen system. We’ve been working on this for several years in order to get a decent portfolio of grades of oil. We have studied more than a hundred species of them. Now, when the war broke out, our refineries in Mažeikiai do not buy Russian oil at all. Today 70 percent. Crude oil in our system comes from outside Russia – said the head of PKN Orlen on TVP Info.

Daniel Obajtik noted that the Orlin system covers not only Poland, but also Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine and the Czech Republic.

He added that the company is ready for full diversification, but what is needed here is European unity.

– Because if we fully diversify, it would be good for our neighbors to do this diversification so that (…) Russian refineries operating, for example, in Germany would not flood our market with a cheap product, because that would drain our economy, explained Chief Orlen.

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced on Wednesday Complete abandonment of Russian raw materials.

In April and May at the latest, Poland will abandon coal imports from Russia. By the end of the year, Poland will be independent of Russian oil and gas supplies.


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#Daniel Obajtik

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