Finally Aleksander Śliwka and Jagoda Gruszczyńska said yes.  This is how the bride and groom enjoyed themselves

All Polish sports fans have been waiting for this day. Polish volleyball representative – Alexander Slyuka – Finally he married a beach volleyball player – Jagoda Groszynska.

But they have been in love with each other for almost ten years Only now they decided to legalize their relationship. It turns out that the beginnings of their relationship were very unusual Although Jagoda immediately caught the attention of the volleyball playerBut he was too shy to take the first step and… He was waiting for a move from his future partner.

“I remember Jagoda because she amazed me with her game. Of course, I also loved her as a girl, but Because of my extreme shyness, I couldn’t speak or start a short conversation, so it all happened more in my head. – recalls the 28-year-old in an interview with the channel “Dzień Dobry TVN”.

Since they are both professional athletes, Their relationship went through many difficult moments. A player on the white and red team and his girlfriend, who is three months older than him They didn’t always have time for each other and sometimes they would pass each other at the door.

despite of They manage to stand the test of time.

“Sometimes we would just meet at the airport and pass each other. “We know very well now that it was worth it.” – He revealed to reporters about breakfast.

Finally, Aleksander Śliwka and Jagoda Gruszczyńska decided to get married They organized a majestic and beautiful wedding attended by the biggest sports stars.

They shared photos from the event organized at Lake Rożnowskie on their profiles, among others Aleksandra Wachowicz, Bartek Bednorz, and Lukasz Kaczmarek.

Guests who had a great time in a five-star hotel chose classic elegance – The men looked great in dark, muted suits, and the ladies opted for slightly more versatile outfits.

“Someone else has gone! Good luck and love to the young couple!” Artur Zalbuk, Polish national team player, wrote on social media.

“Today we burn calories by dancing,” said Damian Wojtasek and his wife, Kinga.

Aleksandar Sliwka and his wife Jagoda Gruszyńska shared not only great love, but also a common passion, which was, of course, sports. Partners often share their feedback together and check in To always support your other half.

“We share our notes, but we also talk a lot about the mental side. Jagoda can criticize me, and most importantly, she is honest with me. “I’m very happy to have her by my side and I can count on her.”

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