Credit holidays are no longer for everyone, changes are coming

Many of our compatriots liked the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcredit holidays. This is an additional safety buffer that can be used, for example, in the event of unexpected expenses or if you want to slightly repair your household budget that has been damaged by inflation. However, changes are coming.

Who will no longer be able to take advantage of credit holidays in 2024?

It is worth starting with the fact that the information comes directly from the government, more precisely from the center of government legislation. There the Ministry of Finance commented on the comments made by the Competition and Consumer Bureau regarding the proposed changes to the Credit Holidays Act.

The Consumer and Consumer Protection Bureau believed that this type of assistance should be limited to the group of borrowers in the most difficult situations. But a problem arose: How are these people selected?

Ultimately, the Competition and Consumer Bureau recommended the introduction of a so-called amount limit. The institution wanted credit holidays to remain available only to people whose loan amount does not exceed PLN 1 million. Deputy Finance Minister Jorand Drop announced that the comment would be included in the draft amendment An amount of PLN 2 million will be recommended.

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The deputy minister said that this proposal also takes into account the valuation of properties in major cities, which generally cost more than similar properties located in small municipalities or in the countryside.

When and how will you be able to take advantage of credit holidays in 2024?

The borrower will be able to choose a maximum of two months vacation in the period from March 1 to June 30 and in the amount of A month in each quarter. Of course, this does not mean that the bank will cover the amount of the obligation for us – simply, the mortgage repayment period will be extended by the same number of months as we choose for the loan holidays of our choice.


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