China.  Partial closure of one of the largest ports in the world.  Will there be a problem with charging?

Ningbo-Zhoushan is one of the largest shipping ports in the world. It was announced Wednesday that it will be closed in part due to the discovery of a delta variant in an employee. The port terminal on Mission Island is closed until further notice. This means that the port’s capacity will be reduced by a quarter.

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China. Partial closure of Ningbo port. The first obstacles appeared

In the city of Ningbo, where the port is located, everything is suspended flights Incoming and outgoing to Beijing. The authorities also decided to partially close the area adjacent to the port. Shops, cinemas, gyms and bars are closed.

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The port administration said in a statement that it would actively negotiate with ship owners to “reasonably divert ships” to other port areas. according to Reuters On Friday (August 13), 37 ships were waiting to enter Ningbo.

Maersk, the world’s largest container shipping company, said many of its ships in Meishan Port will be diverted to other terminals in Ningbo. boatIt is due to arrive next week chin, the docking will be completely bypassed in Ningbo.

Container carrier Hapag-Lloyd decided to take the same step. The company announced that due to congestion and delays in diverting ships to other Ningbo terminals, three of the company’s ships will bypass port next week.

This is another closure of a Chinese port related to the detection of coronavirus infection. In May, the port in Shenzhen’s Yantian District was partially closed.

China. More problems for the shipping industry

The partial shutdown of the port of Ningbo threatens to severely disrupt global supply chains. The risks increase exponentially as the container shipping industry struggles with a heavier burden in the second part of the year, when the number of orders increases due to the holiday season.

The low capacity of the Chinese port also adds to the previous problems. The crisis related to the coronavirus pandemic has made a huge difference in the industry Transportation a pot. Freightos Baltic’s global container shipping index data shows that shipping costs from chin Southeast Asian countries on the east coast United States of America Reached a record level.

Jason Chiang, a shipping consultant, told the BBC that the industry would suffer from the pandemic for a long time to come. “We don’t expect an increase in capacity in two years,” he said.

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