Alec Baldwin is delighted by the family of the late Helena Hutchins!  An animated reconstruction of the tragic events has been released

From the fatal accident on the scene of the movie Rust It’s been four months now, but the tragedy still reverberates in the media around the world. Let us remind you that in one of the scenes he plays the main role Alec Baldwin She was supposed to point the camera and shoot. As a result of a fatal error, the pistol was loaded with live ammunition. The actor injured two people. One of them – the operator Helena HutchinsAs a result of her injuries, she lost her life.

In recent weeks Baldwin He gave several tearful interviews in which he said he was not responsible for what happened. He even mentioned that the gun fired on its own, which is Did not pull the trigger. His account did not agree with the accounts of eyewitnesses. In the end, the tears shed in front of the cameras didn’t help much. Ultimately, the actress was sued by her husband and Halina Hutchins’ family, which was reported on Tuesday..

See also: Alec Baldwin shot the cameraman and wounded the director. Tragedy is a movie set in the United States of America

The New York Post announced that relatives of the tragically deceased cinematographer have sued the star and others whose negligence (according to the family) contributed to the tragedy. They are accused of the father. Causing an ‘unexplained death’. In a civil lawsuit, victims can now demand appropriate punishment for the suspects in the case. It is possible that the plaintiffs will fight for compensationWhich, in the case of experiments with Hollywood VIPs, usually amount to astronomical amounts.

The decision to file the lawsuit was presented by attorneys representing the Hutchins family at a news conference in Los Angeles. To meet the needs of meeting with the media, a special meeting has been created A 10-minute computer-animated film, which was scheduled to show the path of the fatal accident on October 21, 2021.

Earlier, three civil lawsuits were already filed against Baldwin.

See also: Tinder cheater and Anin Stanovsky

See also: Alec Baldwin movie shooting update: New video release | LiveNOW by FOX

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