Adam Sandler is unrecognizable.  Fans are worried about the actor

Foreign portals published pictures Adam SandlerWhere the famous comedian does not look like himself a few months ago. The American star was caught shopping with his wife Jackie in Los Angeles. Move with a stick, and you can see with the naked eye that Adam Sandler’s weight has increased. According to TMZ, the changes in the actor’s appearance are the result of his health issues.

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Adam Sandler is unrecognizable. Fans are worried about the actor

Adam Sandler must use a stick when moving in order to hip surgerywho recently traveled to. And schedule it in the interval between projects in which it participates.

The American media calms fans of the star. Adam Sander will return to his professional duties in the second part of October. The operation was successful and the actor is already looking forward to returning to his favorite sport – basketball.

– Fans write on social media.

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