The Americans want to block Microsoft’s closed contract with Activision Blizzard.  The FTC strikes again

The FTC is not giving up and intends to continue the fight in court to prevent Activision Blizzard from being part of Microsoft. The FTC believes that companies should not merge.

The Federal Trade Commission lost in court to Microsoft, so after reaching an agreement with British officials, the Xbox manufacturer welcomed Activision Blizzard to its family. Next year, the first exclusive games developed by the aforementioned company’s studios and available only on the Redmond giant’s equipment may appear.

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However, the FTC is not giving up and today US officials will appear before a federal judge and try to convince him that Microsoft should not buy Activision Blizzard.

The company responsible for Xbox has already finalized the deal, with Phil Spencer reaching $69 billion, but even in this case the FTC is not giving in and wants to overturn this decision.

Officials must now prove to an appeals court panel that the closed deal was anti-competitive and raised market concerns.

We should not expect a change in the US court’s decision, but we will undoubtedly see a huge uproar if Microsoft is forced to separate its business from Activision Blizzard. However, this is unlikely.

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