Afghanistan.  The son of the famous Mujahideen has conditions for the Taliban.  These are going to his valley |  world News

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The Taliban seized power in Afghanistan

Ahmed Massoud is the son of the legendary Ahmed Shah Massoud, in the eighties one of the main Mujahideen leaders who resisted the Soviets. It dominates the Pandjsher Valley located in the northeastern part of the country. Masoud gave interviews on Sunday in which he announced this, among other things For now The offensive will not deliver the valley without a fight, and without dialogue Afghanistan is threatened by civil war – and now you may have to prepare for this scenario.

Afghanistan. The son of the famous Taliban leader

Masoud reported that soldiers from the former government forces were drawn to his “valley”. He stressed that they are ready to fight if the Taliban forces try to invade these areas. He demanded that Al Arabiya be formed rz ± du With broad support the Taliban is represented in it. Representatives of all ethnic groups will sit in this government. Ahmed Masoud added that no country would accept the “totalitarian regime” in Afghanistan. He stressed that war would be inevitable if the Taliban refused dialogue.

“We want the Taliban to realize that the only way forward is through negotiations,” he said. Reuters. “We don’t want a war to break out,” he added.

Afghanistan. So far, 20 people have been killed near Kabul airport

The Taliban are heading towards the Panjshir Valley

Meanwhile, the Taliban announced that they would send their fighters to the Panjshir Valley – the only region in Afghanistan that they do not control.

Pandjsher Valley is a legendary place in Afghanistan. The area north of Kabul is surrounded by mountains, and neither the Red Army in the 1980s nor the Taliban at the end of the twentieth century could capture it. There are still wrecks of tanks and armored vehicles. This is where a part of the former escaped armyWhich joined the local forces led by Ahmed Masoud. The resistance movement also includes the former vice president and defense minister of Afghanistan.

In recent days, Panjshir militants have captured three districts in nearby Baghlan Province. Ahmed Masoud, in an interview with Reuters, confirmed that he was not the one orchestrating these actions, and indicated that local militias are responsible for responding to brutality in this way.

TalibanAfghanistan. Anti-Taliban forces captured three districts

A week ago, the Taliban had captured Kabul, thus overthrowing the pro-Western government in Afghanistan. The Islamic attack was exceptionally fast. They captured all the cities in just nine days. The country’s occupation prompted NATO countries to rush the evacuation of their citizens from Afghanistan and local collaborators.

The Taliban took power in Afghanistan before the 20-year NATO training mission army I the police After the previous overthrow of the Taliban.

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