NASA pokazała najnowsze zdjęcia wykonane przez Teleskop Jamesa Webba. Widać na nich jeden z najsłynniejszych obiektów w kosmosie – Filary Stworzenia. To, według naukowców, miejsce narodzin gwiazd i układów planetarnych. Fotografię zestawiono ze starymi zdjęciami, wykonanymi jeszcze przez Teleskop Hubble’a. Różnica jest kolosalna.

NASA has shown the latest images taken by the James Webb Telescope. They display one of the most famous objects in space – the Pillars of Creation. This, according to scientists, is the birthplace of stars and planetary systems. The image was placed alongside old images taken by the Hubble Telescope. The difference is enormous.

The Pillars of Creation are part of the massive Eagle Nebula in the constellation Serpent. The facility is located about 6.5 thousand kilometers from the Earth. Light-years away, it consists of dense clouds of gas, mostly hydrogen. In this region, an unusually large number of stars is formed.

NASA describes it, “The Pillars of Creation look like arches and towers rising from a desert landscape, but they are filled with transparent gas and dust, and they are constantly changing.”

The voices of the pillars of creation rose as they stayed It was photographed by the Hubble telescope in 1995 and later in 2014.

I’ve been studying the Eagle Nebula since the mid-1990s, and I’ve always known that when the James Webb Telescope took pictures of it, they’d be amazing, and that’s what they are. – told BBC Prof. Mark McGreen, Senior Science Adviser at the European Space Agency.

The $9 billion James Webb Space Telescope is the most powerful, largest and most complex space telescope ever built. Scientists hope to answer questions about the solar system, distant stars, and the origins of the universe.

“Make room for the king.” Here are new pictures of Jupiter

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