Zac Efron as wrestler Kevin von Erich.  How to fight!

iron claw It is a new production of A24 in which he plays the main character Zac Efron. The actor plays a live wrestling legend – Kevin von Eric. Made by a Canadian director Shawn Dworkin The work focuses on the fate of the Von Erich family, and above all on the path to success in the 1960s. The project was announced in June 2022, and Evron was the first actor to appear on the set.

True, pictures of Zac Efron resembling a wrestler have already hit the net. However, the actor himself has now posted an official photo from the movie. An impressive first look at upcoming productions shows in full splendor what the new role will require of Efron.

Zac Efron as Kevin Von Erich – photo

Efron shared the first photo from the set with the observers on his Instagram. In addition to the gorgeous silhouette, we can enjoy a perfectly captured knockout punch in the wrestling arena.

Iron Claw Information

Given that the film’s promotional material appears to focus solely on Efron’s character, it is likely that the story will only be told from Kevin’s perspective. While iron claw Focusing on Von Erich’s era of mainstream success, the production is to describe the tragic fall of the famous family outside the ring. In addition to Efron, the cast consists of: Lily JamesAnd the Jeremy Allen WhiteAnd the Harris DickinsonAnd the Maura Tierney And the Holt McCalany.

release day iron claw is not known. The film is likely to hit theaters in 2023.


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