Will Spider-Man hit more serious tunes?  Tom Holland describes Peter Parker’s transformation in new movie

Tom Holland recently talked about the change that the main character has gone through in the movie “Spider-Man: No Way Home”. It looks like we can prepare for a more mature atmosphere for the next installments.

It’s been almost a month since the theatrical premiere of “Spider-Man: No Way Home” and it must be admitted that it was One of the biggest events of the movie last year. The project remains Received very positivelyAnd fans were excited about what Disney’s Marvel division decided to offer. The ending of the movie also indicated that this was definitely not the end of Peter’s adventures in the MCU.

Recently, Tom Holland gave an interesting interview, in which he spoke a little about his view of change, which Peter Parker himself underwent during the last production. He mentioned that before that he was just a peasant, a The events in “No Way Home” made him mature. From Spider-Boy, he turned into Spider-Man, and he’s now a full grown, mature hero.

These words allow one conclusion – later productions They’ll probably be more serious It can reach more mature tones and feelings. That might be a good decision—especially considering the fact that one of the complaints about the first two Spider-Man films in the MCU was too childish (especially in comparison to the Maguir and Garfield films).

It really is [Peter Parker – przyp. red.] He was just a Spider-Boy and this movie is all about becoming Spider-Man. The idea is for him to grow up, make his own decisions, and jump to the top as a fully qualified avenger.

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