Will Novak Djokovy play in the Australian Open after all?  Surprising words from the president of the tennis tournament

Novak Djokovic tested Australia’s rules for the first time during the coronavirus pandemic. Serbia – currently the world number one – were disqualified from this year’s Australian Open because of them. This is because people who want to enter the country must be vaccinated. Djokovic has not been vaccinated against the coronavirus, which, despite numerous hearings, missed his chance to start in a Grand Slam.

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“Djokovic is the greatest athlete in our country. We are all on his side.”

Novak Djokovic was not due to play in Australia until 2025.

According to the court ruling Novak Djokovic You will only be able to obtain a visa in Australia in 2025. This means that the tennis player will be excluded from all tournaments organized in the country for the next three years. However, the director spoke in opposition to the stated ruling Australian Open. Do we expect Serbian participation in the matches next year? – Yes. Sure, he should play this season first, but that will be his intention next year. After all, he’s number one in the world and he really loves the Australian Open, Craig Tilly said in an ABC interview. Tiley also confirmed that Djokovic will not sue tennis Australia for the decision taken by the national authorities.

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Djokovic’s case is unusual as he initially considered the Serbian to enter the 2022 Australian Open as a “medical exception”. Pressure related to this decision was also put on the tournament organizers. “No pressure to get players here is the same.” It happens every year. Tennis It is different from the others Athlete: We do not hire players. So what we have to do is give them an environment that they absolutely love – and we do. This is their favorite place to be games. – Explain the president of the Australian Open.

Djokovic’s sponsors broke the silence. Expert: rotting and even the insolence of the Serbs

Craig Tilly also confirmed that after this year’s Australian Open, the conclusions will be drawn for next year. Even in the final week of the court ruling, things have changed. We were at the beginning of the omicron infection wave and so we were constantly looking for clarity. Tilley explained that there is a lot of complex and contradictory information out there.

Djokovic turned out to be the only player whose situation caused such an uproar. Australian media recently reported that the Park Hotel, where the Serbs stayed, provided appalling living conditions.. There are more than 30 asylum seekers in Australia at the hotel. Many of them have been there for nearly 10 years

Tennis players who have qualified for the Australian Open compete to win it Big smash hits From January 17. The tournament is scheduled to end on January 30.

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