We’ve never seen Mars like this.  NASA provides a view like the International Space Station

So far we’ve seen different views of Mars, but NASA decided to offer something new. Have you ever wondered what the Red Planet would look like when captured from the International Space Station orbiting this world? You don’t have to anymore, because the US agency was able to capture it with pictures from one of the orbiters.

NASA benefited The Odyssey orbiter and its THEMIS instrument (Thermal Emission Imaging System). Preparations took three months and the goal was achieved It shows the Red Planet from a perspective similar to Earth seen from the International Space Station. The images were taken from a height of about 400 kilometers above the Earth’s surface. The International Space Station orbits our universe in a similar way.

The task was difficult and therefore took several months to implement. This is primarily due to the fact that the THEMIS instrument is usually pointed downward at the Red Planet’s surface all the time because it is used for mapping. So, in order to get a different perspective, the entire Odyssey orbiter had to stay put Slanted 90 degreesWhich is made possible after a special sequence is sent to the ship.

Rotating the orbiter was one thing, but then Odyssey had to remain in that position for a long period of time. This was necessary to take a series of photos. Then it was processed and this is how it worked Get the whole panorama. Throughout the entire mission, the ship’s antenna was pointed away from Earth and therefore had no contact with it.

The final effect is stunning and was definitely worth the work. Below you can see the surface of Mars, and above its thin atmosphere, where there are, among other things, clouds of water ice. NASA intends to use these images and compare them with images taken from the International Space Station. In this way, it would be possible to compare the two planets more accurately from a similar perspective, which could be very important for science.

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