Vectra, UPC, Plus, Orange, Play, Netia – downtime throughout Poland?

Vectra, UPC Plus, Orange, Play, Netia - downtime throughout Poland?

Various company users are having trouble accessing the network, according to downdetector. The list includes Vectra, in addition to Orange, Plus, Play, T-Mobile, UPC, and Netia.

According to the information, the problem was first for Vectra users. In social media we can read many comments that basically say there is a problem with internet access. At the same time, the TV works flawlessly.

What about UPC, Netia, Orange, T-Mobile, Play and Plus?

However, Downdetector shows that people using third-party services can also access the network, including: UPC, Netia, Multimedia, Orange, T-Mobile, Plus And the game.

Vectra, UPC, Netia, Orange, Plus, Play, T-Mobile - Fail, No Internet

At the moment, it is not known whether user reports are caused by problems with Vectra, or if users of other networks actually cannot use the Internet. It is worth mentioning that Multimedia has been owned by Vectra since 2020The Play in turn uses Vectra optical fibers, so there may be reports in their case.

When it comes to T-Mobile, Play, Plus, Neta, and UPC, almost always, when one service provider has trouble accessing the network, reports from other companies are somewhat counterproductive. Right now, it’s hard to say what’s really going on. We only have certainty about problems at this point in the case of the Vectra network.

Update [11:52]

Network Plus reported that it was working normally and no crash was noticed. This appears to have only been confirmed by the secondary effect of the Vectra and Multimedia failures in user reports.

a look: Ukraine calls: disconnect Russian operators from EU roaming

Image source: Grand Warszawski /

Text source: downdetector

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