Tusk promised, which might scare PiS managers and officials

According to the latest data, support for the Law and Justice Party decreases with the counting of each region, and at the same time the number of votes in favor of the Civic Alliance increases. According to these data, the KO, Third Way and Left Party will obtain the majority of seats in the House of Representatives.

If an opposition government is actually formed, the “broom,” that is, the wave of dismissals from positions, may pass through the offices and companies of the state treasury. This was pointed out among others by: economist Piotr Kuczyński in his opinion for money.pl. However, there is another thread that may keep PiS-linked managers and officials up at night – the Civic Alliance’s promise to hold them accountable.

The rest of the article is below the video

See also: An important signal for the market after the elections. “Poland returns to this table”

The Civic Coalition wants to settle, among others: Glabinski and Sassen

In its programme, the Labor Party included, at several points, a declaration of accountability to the PiS government, including specific individuals.

At point 22 of the program The coalition declares that it will hold accountable and prosecute “violations of the Constitution and the rule of law,” and will therefore bring before the state court:

  • Andrzej Duda – for refusing to take the oath of three judges of the Constitutional Court duly elected by the Chamber of Deputies for the seventh term and for applying the amnesty law to the illegally convicted Mariusz Kaminski, Maciej Wysek and two other officers,
  • Mateusz Morawiecki – for issuing a decision to commission Poczta Polska to carry out illegal operations elections envelopes,
  • Jacek Sasin – for illegally spending PLN 70 million on envelope elections,
  • Zbigniew Ziobro – for using financial resources from the Justice Fund for partisan purposes,
  • Adam Glabinski – for destroying the independence of the Polish National Bank and failing to carry out the primary mission of the Polish National Bank, which is to combat rising prices,
  • The Chairman of the National Broadcasting Council, Maciej Swirski, and the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Piotr Jelinski, were both charged with destroying public media (including, among other things, violating Article 213(1) of the Constitution, as well as Article 6(1), Article 6 (1) 2, Article 21(1), Article 21(2) of the Broadcasting Law, and Article 231 of the Penal Code).

The Civic Coalition also wants Daniel Obajtic held accountable

However, this is not the end of the list. KO also announced the settlement of “all Daniel Obajtek scandals, including the sale of shares in the Gdańsk refinery.” Let us remember that 30 percent shares in the Gdańsk refinery were sold to the Saudi oil tycoon Saudi Aramco during the merger of Orlin and Lotus. The deal raised suspicions in the context of the uncontrolled sale of shares in the refinery by the Saudis, for example, to Russian entities.

Piotr Woźniak, former chairman of the board of Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo, has been critical of the sale of RG assets. – This is a copy of the Russian clauses in gas contracts. The minority or equivalent shareholders are able to block practically everything – Woźniak said in an interview with money.pl.

The last bastion of settlements, announced by KO, will be public finances. The coalition intends to present a “white paper on the state of public finances” at the end of 2023 and then “hold accountable” those “guilty of official crimes.” But the people to whom the offices or institutions belong have not been identified.

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