The worst “six” in lotto.  She won 182 million, and got nothing

The worst “six” in lotto. When there is £182 million in a lottery jackpot, it attracts many players. Even if a few won. The probability of correctly predicting all numbers is one in several million. However, it is very unlikely that you will get all the lottery numbers right and not win. Details here.
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The worst “six” in lotto. You were supposed to win £182m, and got nothing

This is exactly what happened to a young woman from the UK, reports the British newspaper The Sun. Rachel Kennedy, 19, and boyfriend Liam McCrohan, who is two years her senior, have been quoting the same numbers for weeks. Unexpectedly, their big moment has come – their numbers are already charted.

Rachel has received a notification from her app. “When I went to the app, it said ‘win the game.’ I thought oh my gosh, I won,” she told The Sun. She immediately called her boyfriend to give him the good news. Then she called Lotto EuroMillions and got another surprising message — Her numbers are correct, but she is not a winner.

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“I thought I won”

“I called the number thinking I had won £182m and they said ‘yeah the numbers were right but you didn’t have money in your account to pay for the voucher so it didn’t get paid.’ He adds: ‘I was over the moon when I thought I had won, but when I found out I hadn’t Liam was more nervous than I was.”

>>> This guy figured out a surefire way to win the lotto and hit the “six” as many as 14 times. Learn the six steps to becoming a millionaire

The young couple was already thinking about how to spend their millions. “It broke my heart when the guy on the phone said we didn’t buy a voucher at all. I had already imagined our dream home and our dream car, and I think I exaggerated a bit to be honest. In the app already It looked like we wonLiam told the newspaper.

The young woman has her own theory as to why she didn’t win in the end: using the same numbers multiple times brought her bad luck. “The exact same numbers have been reported for five consecutive weeks.” Liam tweeted a picture of their misfortune to his friends, but it reached more people. “At first, I just posted it for my friends to see. I only had about 120 followers, but then it blew up and I think I have over 31,000 likes now,” Liam shared.

Read also: At the age of 17, she became a millionaire. Now he says winning the lottery is a nightmare


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