The second rubble.  These words, when they fall into the conversation, only mean one thing
  • They’re trying to push us all into one trench, and if a bullet hits there, we’ll all die. ” that they [prawdopodobnie chodzi o dowództwo — red.] They didn’t get it – tell his mom
  • “We argue every day, and they just ask us to write a protocol.” Mom, that’s an idiot here, do you understand? – The soldier stays
  • The man tells that in the place where the rocket fell earlier, the soldiers created more trenches. He explained that he and his teammates are easy targets for the Ukrainians
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In an interview on November 12 this year, its content was published on the HUR network – the main intelligence council of the Ministry of Defense. Ukraine – A soldier residing in Kherson region complained to his mother about mistakes made by the army, which will most likely lead to his death and his comrades soon. As the conversation shows, the command ordered the soldiers to remain in one trench, although the soldiers certainly preferred to be dispersed. However, failure to comply with “stupid” orders is punishable.

They’re trying to push us all into one trench, and if a bullet hits there, we’ll all die. ” (…) that they [prawdopodobnie chodzi o dowództwo — red.] They did not understand it – he told his mother.

Although their superiors are informed of the wrong strategy, leaders do not want to listen to anyone. “We argue every day, and they just ask us to write a protocol.” Mom, that’s an idiot here, do you understand? Appreciates the frustrated soldier.

The man tells that in the place where the rocket fell earlier, the soldiers created more trenches. Thus, he made it clear that he and his colleagues are easy targets for the Ukrainians.

The man’s mother responded to these words and asked him to leave as soon as possible. On the other hand, the soldier hopes that he will be able to return home within a month after the expiration of his contract with the army.

Soldiers near Kherson are facing serious problems. They lack equipment and soldiers who died or escaped. Many of them were also injured. The conversation of an occupier, which was intercepted by HUR (and published on November 13 this year), which spoke to the command by phone about the current state of his unit, coincides with media reports.

admit that he is close Chersonia. Every day, passengers see the transport of the so-called “200 loads” (in Russian – “200 rubble”) and “300 loads” (i.e. “Trista rubble”). yes Russians They respectively call the dead soldiers who were taken from the areas where the exchange of fire is taking place, and the wounded soldiers who are unable to continue the fight because of their injuries. There is also the term “pregnancy 400”, which refers to soldiers who are traumatized, who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), are in very poor psychological condition, but this type of pregnancy is not mentioned by the soldier.

The designation was invented by soldiers who fought in the times of the Soviet Union.

During a conversation with the command, the man explained that the brigade had lost 12 of the 14 T-80 main battle tanks that were in its service.

– They wanted to kill us for a week. They shoot us here every day. Every day we are exposed to mortar fire and quadcopters flying over us [drony — red.] The man explains.

Sources: HUR,,,

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