The Italians were broken by Glick’s position.  Fatal information about football Paulo Sousa Pi³ka

All because the referee kicked Kamil Celik after a fatal error by the defender. The Polish actor moved on to ball leader Gabriel Moncini, midfielder Frosinone. When he tried to overtake him, Glick extended his straight leg and attacked his opponent at a knee height until he fell to the field.

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Kamil Glick is one of the “disappointments”. “did not settle down”

Some Italian media consider it a mistake Camila Glicka for a crucial moment for The result final of this meeting. It was the Witches’ Night for Benevento. And “La Republica” wrote that Frosinone won 4-1 in a match that was on the condition that Glick hit hard in the 25th minute of the first half. The portal shares the opinion of “La Repubblica”, and the pole was the worst player on the field. He proves once again that he does not deserve his salary. silly! – We read.

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tuttomercató journalists rate Glick’s performance equally low, while emphasizing that this was another such offense for Pole in recent weeks. – At this moment it is one of the disappointments B . series. You can see that it didn’t settle well into the reality of this category. Second red in a few weeks after that at Como, it’s really unbelievable that a player with his experience could make such mistakes, it was written.

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Benevento After twelve matches Italian Serie A B is sixth in the league table. full glick He was called by Paulo Sousa for the next training camp Poland national team, where white and red will play with Andorra and Hungary.

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