The former Orlin president distances himself from Sassine.  “Pathetic attempt”

Former Deputy Prime Minister and Head of the Ministry of State Property, Jacek Sassen, attacked Jacek Krawiec, the former president of Orlen, on the social networking site X (formerly Twitter).

“The tailor, who is calling out the loudest today about alleged irregularities in companies, has manually reduced prices at Orléans stations. Just to do good for Tusk before elections 2011. It did so at the expense of Orlin’s results and despite calls for the company’s directors to abandon the policy. Sassen wrote that the hypocrisy of these people is impossible.

Jacek Krawiec did not leave the former Deputy Prime Minister’s interventions unanswered. So tell him To take “appropriate legal steps.”

But he added that this is “an attempt to mitigate responsibility for Orlin’s multi-billion-dollar losses as a result of the artificial reduction of fuel prices ahead of the 2023 elections.”

The rest of the article is below the video

See also: To work with an MBA? “Suddenly she turns out to be a victim of fate” – Henrika Buchniarz – Business Class No. 7

“Your lies about the fact that I manually lowered prices and that it was at the expense of Orlin’s results are not supported by the facts, which are… Just a pathetic attempt to erase responsibility for Orlin’s multi-billion dollar losses As a result of the artificial reduction of fuel prices before the 2023 elections,” replied Jacek Krawiec.

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