The Chinese have tested a new solution in the field of energy storage.  We got the test results

The solution proposed by the Chinese has an external energy efficiency of 35.96% and an energy storage density of 1.54 kWh per cubic meter. In addition to compressed carbon dioxide, the cogeneration unit also played an important role.

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In this way, it was possible to design a closed-loop system with a 600 MW cogeneration unit and CO2-based energy storage. For its operation, heat, pressure and expansion are needed, as well as water and carbon dioxide. When there is a demand for energy, carbon dioxide is released from a low-pressure tank and compressed in a compressor driven by a surplus ex. The compressed gas passes through an air cooler, so that heat can be stored in the water coming out of the tank.

Thanks to these solutions, energy can be stored when there is no shortage in the network, to be used later when needed. Imagine, for example, a sunny or windy day: these conditions are favorable for operating solar and wind farms, but sometimes the conditions are less favorable and energy may be in short supply. In such cases, there is an opportunity to use what has accumulated during the overflow.

The energy storage method proposed by the Chinese uses compressed carbon dioxide and a cogeneration unit

As explained by the creators, after two stages of compression, the gas is stored in a high-pressure tank, and the cooling water is compressed in a hot water tank. During the experiments, it was found that in the optimal configuration, the system had an external energy efficiency of 35.96% and an energy storage density of 1.54 kWh per cubic meter. Details about the search performed are displayed on the pages Energy conversion and management. The scientists’ further efforts will likely focus on increasing the efficiency and density of energy storage.

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The efficiency and characteristics of thermoelectric coupling of the proposed combined system under different operating conditions should be analyzed in the future to explore its potential for using renewable energy.
stated the authors of the article

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