The Atari 50 even gets 10/10 in reviews.  Delighted critics and reviews of over 90 games from a huge collection

Atari celebrates its fiftieth birthday and invites you to play Atari 50: Anniversary Celebration.

A huge collection of over 90 retro games has already been released. In the Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration, we can go crazy, among other things, in Atari Karts from the Jaguar console, in the Milipede from arcade machines and in the Haunted House from the Atari 2600. In addition to the classics, we also received 6 new titles (A new version of Swordquest, Haunted Houses, VCTR-SCTR, Neo Breakout, Quadratank, and Yar’s Revenge Reimagined, a modified version of the cult classic).

The first trailer for Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration awaits you below, along with a small overview of the titles available in this massive retro collection.

The version, which was launched on November 11, seems to have been given great attention to detail. Many reviewers are interested in Eclipse/Atari’s digital work. The game has an average of 8.6/10 and receives the highest score (10/10 from ZTGD) Or close to maximum ratings (9/10 from PlayStation Universe, 9.5/10 from Nintendo Word Report). It should work very well, among other things Jaguar console emulator. Most reviewers are pleased with the sheer amount of content in this collection – not only in terms of the games themselves, but also in terms of additional accompanying materials, such as videos with interviews with authors of the classics. Production is available for sale on XSX/XSS, PS4, PS5, Switch, PC (Steam).

“The Atari 50 is unparalleled in its category. No other collection of historical games has been so good and extensive. I hope adding interviews and historical context to such collections will become the standard,” wrote the Nintendo World Report Editor (Rating 9.5/10).

Ratings at Atari 50: Anniversary Celebration Comments:

  • ZTGD 10/10
  • Nintendo World Report 9.5 / 10
  • Playstation world 9/10
  • Digitall Uploaded on 9/10
  • cube 3 9/10
  • Video friends 8.7 / 10
  • GameBlast 8.5 / 10
  • 33 bit 8.5/10
  • GameSpew 8/10
  • Nintendo Live 8/10
  • Siliconera 8/10
  • Metro Central 8/10
  • God Obsessed 8/10
  • 8/10 . gaming machine
  • Siliconera 8/10
  • checkout box 8/10

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