Sweden “without mass vaccination” like Israel deals better with the epidemic.  The data shows otherwise

The union argues on Twitter that Sweden is better at dealing with the coronavirus than Israel, despite the lack of restrictions or mass vaccination. The data show that the epidemiological situation in Sweden is better – but the information that there is no universal vaccination is not correct.

Israeli Ministry of Health announced in AugustThat the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by Pfizer and BioNTech will also be given to people over 30 years old – previously given to people over 40. In July, Israel was the first country in the world to begin giving a booster dose. At the same time, however, the curve of SARS-CoV-2 infections mainly caused by the delta variant is growing in the country. This coincidence became the reason why the union posted on its Twitter profile series of postsThe effectiveness of the restrictions was undermined in Israel, and the epidemiological situation in that country and in Sweden was compared as evidence.

It looks better with the Corona virus [niż Izrael] Sweden, for example, has managed without a policy of lockdown, masks and mass vaccinations, “we read in the entry.” Unfortunately, the mainstream media, unfortunately, does not want to talk much about it to this day … ”- wrote Konfederacja.

Entry into the union in Sweden
Entry into the union in Sweden Photo: Twitter

Some Internet users immediately note that the claim that there is no such mass vaccination in Sweden is not entirely accurate. “70% is not a universal vaccination?” ; “I don’t know who the author of this tweet is, but he certainly didn’t read any data from Sweden last year”; “Sweden now has 70% of the population vaccinated, so they have also implemented mass vaccination” (spelling the original posts) – he commented.

We compared the epidemiological situation in Sweden and Israel. The data shows that the union is wrong.

Israel is preparing for the fifth wave.  The third dose vaccination is part of the vaccination strategy

Israel is preparing for the fifth wave. The third dose vaccination is part of the vaccination strategy Video: Facts about the world TVN24 BiS

Was Sweden doing better?

On September 3, Israel recorded the highest number of daily infections since the beginning of the epidemic – 11.3 thousand. The weekly average on the day of publication of the union entry (September 5) was 9.4 thousand. cases.

In Sweden, the epidemiological situation looks better. In September, there was an average of 1.5 thousand. infection per day, while in the critical moments of the first and second waves (December 2020, April 2021) it was 20-30 thousand.

For comparison: on September 5, the number of new infections per million inhabitants was 527 in Israel and 288 in Sweden.

Covid-19 cases in Sweden and Israel (average of seven days per million inhabitants, March 2020 - September 2021)
Covid-19 cases in Sweden and Israel (average of seven days per million inhabitants, March 2020 – September 2021) Foto: Our world is in data

See the interactive version of the graphfor details.

The significant increases in the infection rate in Israel do not translate into a proportionate increase in the number of deaths from COVID-19. On Sunday, September 5, the weekly average was 31 – below the most significant moments in the first and second waves (39 and 65, respectively).

Few deaths from COVID-19 have been reported for a long time in Sweden. No coronavirus patients have died there since the beginning of September; In August, there were only 37 deaths, and the highest weekly rate was 3.

COVID-19 deaths in Sweden and Israel (average of seven days per million inhabitants; March 2020 - September 2021)
COVID-19 deaths in Sweden and Israel (average of seven days per million inhabitants; March 2020 – September 2021) Foto: Our world is in data

See the interactive version of the graphfor details.

The data shows that Sweden has already been doing better at containing the epidemic in the following months since the beginning of July. But did it achieve this “without the massive vaccinations” as it was in Israel?

Where is the most frequent vaccination?

Vaccination statistics provided by Swedish public health office And the Israeli mhealth care It turns out that vaccination campaigns are at a similar stage in both countries. On September 5 (let’s observe the day the message of the union was published), 5.88 million people were fully vaccinated in Sweden, and 5.51 million in Israel.

With Israelis outnumbering Swedes by more than a million (9.2 versus 10.3 million), Ourworldindata.com reports that these numbers correspond to 63 percent. The vaccinated population in Israel is 58 percent. In Sweden. If we add to those people who were immunized with only the first dose, there are 68.44 percent in Israel after one or two doses. In Sweden – 68.83 per cent. It should be noted that in both countries, the single-dose vaccine from Johnson & Johnson is not used.

Percentage of people vaccinated with one or two doses in Israel and Sweden
Percentage of people vaccinated with one or two doses in Israel and Sweden Foto: Our world is in data

See the interactive version of the graphfor details.

Therefore, the data show that the vaccination campaign in Sweden has reached a similar level and its effects are similar to the vaccination campaign in Israel – although Sweden still does not recommend a third dose of the vaccine. The hypothesis that Sweden would have done better “without such massive vaccines” is incorrect.

author: Michel Estelle

Source: Konkret24; Photo: Jeppe Gustafsson / Shutterstock, Twitter

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