Sekielski problems?  The ex-priest who was acquitted of Just Don’t Tell Anyone has raised money for the lawsuit

in the movieJust don’t tell anyoneStrong accusations were made against many priests. The production’s authors focused on the stigmatization of pedophilia in the church, but it is noteworthy that the verdicts are not made by directors or journalists, but by the courts. And this story showed that adjudication of cases is often very different from the narrative imposed after the movie.

Let’s go back to 2019 for a moment. Tomasz Sekielski went to Zeronie Bor, where Adam S. was staying in a secluded place, in a private church, at that time, the media (formerly of TVN) were accusing him.

– Father Adam has very serious claims, he can celebrate Mass, what’s more, he confesses to people and has contact with children. The priest thinks it’s okay?

– asked the prison chaplain Sekielski, with whom S. was at that time, which was the decision of the bishop.

After this situation, Adam S. Pope Francis asked to retire to the secular state, and obtained permission to do so.

The case was taken up by the prosecutor’s office, and the former priest appeared in court. The Umta District Court, after having properly acquitted the accused, found that if the event covered by the allegations had occurred at all, it had occurred when the alleged injured person was already 18 years of age and could decide for himself his own behaviour. The claims made by the prosecutor’s office that the Sekielski family spoke out loud in their film cannot be substantiated.

The moral assessment of the entire event remains open, but the fact is that the court stated unequivocally that molestation of a minor did not occur, and the Sekielski brothers’ film about pedophilia in a church and Adam S. There as one of the anti-heroes. Surprisingly, the plot was included in the movie despite the incomplete criminal proceedings. Once Adam S. has been acquitted, the film’s writers remain silent, and the production can still be viewed on YouTube, via the acquitted person’s thread.

“Just don’t tell anyone.” The former priest is collecting a lawsuit against the Sekielski family

In October 2018, my 55 year old life was ruined by false accusations of pedophilia – wrote Adam S. in the description of the fundraiser he created on a website. The goal was to raise 20,000. PLN to file lawsuits against the authors of the movie “Just Don’t Tell Anyone” and other sites that have reintroduced false accusations.

I am addressing people of goodwill who are sensitive to injustice and human harm. I would like to ask for your assistance in arranging funds for the Legal Service for Civil Claims, which, thanks to your support, I intend to sue the Sekielski family, editorial offices and portals who have falsely accused me of pedophilia. I believe that justice will prevail, you just need to help her.

In my 30 years of priestly life I have rushed to help others and helped as best I could. Now, I’m alone! Someone will say: “My father? He has money, so let him enjoy it himself …”. Yes, I had some savings, but they all “went” to the lawyers at the criminal trial in which I was legally acquitted of the charges Added Adam S.

The fundraiser has recently gained publicity and ended up raising over 35,000 PLN. This means that the former pastor is likely to file a civil suit against the film’s authors and several other media outlets.

This is not the only story of its kind

The case of another priest, about whom severe accusations were made, was very similar.

– The case of the alleged abuse of Father Mirosław Kroll was officially closed and closed without criminal charges being brought. The priest was thus acquitted of the charges

– reported the Catholic Information Agency last year, referring to a letter from the law firm representing the priest. He was also the champion of Tomasz Sekielski’s articles.


#a priest
# Adam S
# Tomasz Sekelski
#Marek Skelsky
#Just don’t tell anyone


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