Scientist jokes that Iga wi±tek has an injury from lifting cups.  We have an answer for Iga Tenis

Iga your lips You beat in style Naomi Osaka 6:4, 6:0 in the final of the WTA 1000 Championships in Miami. This is the third consecutive tournament that IGA has won – after Doha and Indian Wells. The Polish woman also has a streak of up to 17 winners matches.

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Iga Świątek was the equal of the Williams sisters. big change

Iga Švetik explains: “The injury can turn into something more serious

Now Iga will relax. Immediately after the victory Miami New leader in the world ranking In this She announced her resignation from the Charleston Championships. – After marathoning three tournaments in which I played the final, I suffered a hand injury – Ega said, citing Charleston event organizers.

Total tennis. Iga Świątek won the final of her dreams. Coach, I play tennis for this.

Jokes immediately spread on social media that Iga, who behaved so well, could incur an injury by holding the heavy trophies she had won.

– I’m so sorry, but after the three marathons I played in the final, I had a slight injury due to fatigue and a lot of matches. matches. The injury could turn into something more serious if another tournament is played right after Miami – Iga told us.

Iga Świątek suddenly started talking about Ukraine. Iga Świątek suddenly started talking about Ukraine. “Now I need some time”

“As recommended by the team, I just need to rest and because of that, I will not play for Charleston.” I was counting on the meal season opening there, but I have to wait for the next such possibility in the future. My next start will be the Billie Jean King Cup – tell me birthday.

Miami Open Tennis ChampionshipHurkac and Isner also win in Miami! historical work

The Poland-Romania match with Iga Šwieciek will take place in Radom on 15-16 April.

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