Review Guy Nandel settles his accounts

On Tuesday evening it was Guy Nadal’s turn to present his new solo show in Montreal If I understand you correctly, you mean… On tour for several weeks now. A show with bite, in which the comedian-opinionist goes back and forth on his column on politics.

Published at 8:00 am.

John Siak

John Siak

No, Guy Nantel does not expect to finish his race for the leadership of the Parti Québécois (PQ) with 20%. But this political experience – which he did not regret – he made it the material of his 6e A one man show.

A golden opportunity to settle scores with all those who did not support or vote for him during his campaign. Starting with journalists (he mocks former colleague Nathalie Petrovsky on Penelope’s show), but also members of the PQ and party “officials”. “I’m sure there are more people who work for the PQ than who voted for the PQ,” he says.

In fact, he takes it to all those who raised an eyebrow at his jump into politics: “Come on, I’ve been training to say nonsense for 30 years! “Gives them a makeover of their room.

Particularly successful is the section on his participation in the debate in Louisville, where Guy Nantel prides himself on always telling the truth. Unlike his competitors he did not promise them anything but instead offered a joke. This is why we didn’t pick him, he believes… to scratch comedian Andre Boisclair a few times (sentenced to two years in prison for sexual assault).

Had he been elected, he would have placed “his gang” (artists) in key positions. “I would have appointed Philip Bond for women’s affairs, Mike Ward for youth and disability, Anne Casabon for Covid…”

Over the course of nearly two hours of the show, Guy Nandel attacks old people, conspirators, environmentalists, vegans, baby boomers… and who else? Yes, should got up (From Montcalm to Trudeau, Nandel has many in mind…). It’s true what he warned us from the start of his show: “I will be inclusive, equal, fair, and hate everyone. »

Sickness and laughter

But the humorist-opinionist is clever, it must be recognized, and it is not always easy to know whether he really means what he says, or whether he merely seeks to create discomfort. This happens several times, especially in the environment section, when he describes his plan to eliminate useless people (considering the problem of overpopulation)…

Photo by Alexis Aubin, special collaboration

Guy Nandel

When he says “sustainable energy is called abortion,” he’s describing the “little autistic girl with a pigtail” (Greta Thunberg) who led an environmental march in Montreal, or the polluting process of recycling a jar. Peanut butter, we’re guessing he’s being ironic in most cases (perhaps not for the jar of peanut butter), but the laughter in the room is chaotic, and no doubt the desired effect.

A short political history of Quebec, from yesterday to the present, concludes If I understand you correctly, you mean… We cannot get out of Guy Nandal’s politics so easily. If we had chosen him…

But the comedian may not have had his last word. He comes full circle talking about what he will do for us good people. Hey, back to politics? We are nowhere near a contradiction. Sounds like you’re saying… to be continued.

If I understand you correctly, you mean...

If I understand you correctly, you mean…

On tour everywhere in Quebec (and Florida).


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