Refereeing Olympic cycling champion Gregor Brown.  sexually assaulted a child

Braun, 67, was found guilty by a district court in Tübingen, Germany of sexually abusing a child, soliciting the production of photos and videos of abuse of a minor, the court said in a statement, and sentenced him to 33 months in prison. Thursday.

During the trial, judges heard that Brown, 67, had been paying a woman for years to bring her underage daughter on sex dates, starting when the girl was six years old. Prosecutors alleged that in at least one case, a 35-year-old woman, identified as Yvonne L (full name not disclosed for privacy reasons), forced her daughter to record obscene videos of herself or two adults. Other times, the mother took pictures of her daughter and sent them to Brown.

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The case came to light after the victim filed a police complaint in 2021, three years after she had run away from home. The court ruled its right to obtain compensation from the defendants.

The mother, who admitted her guilt during the trial and apologized to her daughter, was sentenced to 45 months in prison. The German news agency (dpa) reported that Braun denied the allegations against him.

However, the court found that the victim’s accounts were credible and ruled that she had been robbed of her childhood. Judgments are subject to appeal.

Brown won gold medals in the 4K Pursuit: Individual and Team competition at the Montreal Olympics. He also has four medals, including three golds, at the World Track Championships.


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