“Players just want to be talked to. They don't want to be fooled.”  The creator of Baldur's Gate 3 claims that traditional game marketing is no longer viable
April 25, 2024, at 21:01

author: Zuzana Domiradzka

The creators of products such as Baldur's Gate 3 or EVE Online have commented on marketing in the gaming industry. They claim that players do not want to be fooled by ads.

Image source: Larian Studios


The modern gaming market is so developed and huge that the gamer may have difficulty choosing the perfect game for himself. Developers want their product to be noticed and thus reach as many people as possible, satisfy them and make a profit.

In an interview with the site computer games Many game developers participated and commented on the announcements. What is very interesting, The invited guests agreed that “gaming marketing is dead.” Larian Studios' publishing director, Michael Doss, confirmed that all the “traditional” methods of announcing upcoming works do not work these days, as players want to know exactly what product they are dealing with.

There was marketing, communications and public relations. Marketing was basically retail theory – you tried to put your box in [z grą – dop. red.] On the appropriate store shelf and cooperated stores. This is no longer the case. Now we have the Internet, no one watches ads anymore. […] Players just want to be talked to. They don't want to be deceived. They want to know exactly what you do, why you do it and for what.

Eyrún Jónsdóttir, Vice President of Publishing at CCP (the studio responsible for EVE Online), referred to the words of the creator of Baldur's Gate 3, claiming that Players want to be part of the emerging production. That's why many of them shared early access to the Larian Studios hit. The Belgians know that this system works, which is why their upcoming games will also be released in this format.

Rebecca Ford, Warframe's creative director, noted that development studios still employ people responsible for “marketing,” but their job is mainly to contact Sony or Microsoft stores so that players can learn something about a particular production there. However, Michael Doss corrected the matter, stating that it was simply the correct way to publicize the game, not marketing in the strict sense.

The best place to promote your game is the store itself [w sensie: platformowa dystrybucji cyfrowej, nie fizyczny jw. – dop. red.]. Anything else isn't worth it – we've learned that together BG3 – Michael Doss said.

To complete the topic, creator Baldur's Gate 3 And the director War frame They joked that the best announcement for a game would be winning the Game of the Year award at The Game Awards. Take it seriously – some players may decide to purchase a particular title when it wins such an important distinction, just as movie fans are more likely to watch an Oscar-winning film, etc.

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