"Gospodarstwom domowym gazu na pewno nie zabraknie" - zapewnił prezes PGNiG Paweł Majewski, gość Krzysztofa Ziemca w RMF FM. "To, co się dzieje, rzeczywiście powoduje, że obserwujemy sytuację z jeszcze większym niepokojem niż dotychczas. W branży gazowej od dłuższego czasu przygotowujemy się na scenariusze kryzysowe, na konieczność zapewnienia gazu z innych kierunków, temu służy dywersyfikacja" - mówił Majewski.

“The homes will certainly not run out of gas” – assured PGNiG President Paweł Majewski, guest of Krzysztof Ziemiec at the RMF FM station. “What is actually happening makes us watch the situation with greater concern than before. In the gas industry, we have been preparing for a long time for crisis scenarios, for the need to supply gas from other directions, and that is the diversification we are used to,” Majewski said.

Of course, it is difficult to predict the scale of actions that may occur, if we are dealing with gas cuts in the whole of Europe, then surely we will also have some problems in Poland – PGNiG head admitted. Poland is a few steps away, For at least 5 years we have been preparing to import gas from destinations other than the East – Our guest confirmed. He added that the gas imported to Poland is 60 percent. gas from Russia.

We have commercial stock and mandatory gas stock – we must have gas in stock for a really harsh winter month. We are safe around this winter Majewski said. By the end of the year, we should be independent when it comes to gas from the East. There must be a shortage of gas all over Europe to run out – added.

Gas price will not increase for individual customers and for those sensitive to tariffs this year – Paweł Majewski announced on our air.

Nord Stream 2 – For years, as PGNiG, we have been doing everything we can to ensure that this gas pipeline, if it is to operate, will be subject to EU law, so that it is not a tool in the hands of a single supplier. I can see that Germany is withdrawing from the view that it is a business and not a political one. I think she started hitting them Majewski noticed.

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