Netherlands: Afghans apply for asylum.  Hundreds have returned to the country to “visit”.

The case came to light in August, when so-called residency holders, meaning people who had been recognized as asylum seekers by the Immigration and Nationality Authority (IND), wanted out of Kabul with the help of the Dutch state when the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan.

Residence holders receive a temporary refugee passport and a residence permit in the Netherlands for five years. As per the regulations, they cannot travel to their home country during this time.

Defense Minister Ank Bielefeld-Schoten told reporters on Friday that she was surprised by the large number of Dutch people who went to Afghanistan despite the authorities’ advice not to do so and Afghans who had previously been granted residency in the Netherlands.

Migration researcher Jan van de Beek told De Telegraaf it was reprehensible to go on vacation or attend a family wedding after citing fear of persecution in his country as a reason to flee the country. “Is Afghanistan suddenly safer after being granted refugee status?” – Van de Beek irons.

“They cheated us!” Twitter drowned Geert Wilders, leader of the anti-Islam populist Freedom Party. He added that the Netherlands should not risk the lives of its soldiers “to save frauds”.

Wilders added that the refugees should “stay in Afghanistan now so they don’t risk the lives of Dutch soldiers or others to save these crooks!”

According to the NOS portal, the Ministry of Justice “will not remain without consequences.” The portal states that the IND may withdraw the right of residence previously granted.

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