Ma³gorzata Ostrowska-Królikowska was blamed for Antek’s behaviour.  Now show his true face

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Magorzata Ostroska-Krolicowska Recently she was criticized by netizens for what her son did – Antik was on the verge of separation from his pregnant wife. Despite this, she did not withdraw into the shadows, but, on the contrary, went to the aid of our eastern neighbors. She posted the tapes, perhaps in the desire to encourage others to follow in her footsteps.

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Opozda around Ostrowska-Królikowska. There were honest words

Marta Umoda TrzebyatoskaMarta Żmuda Trzebiatowska posted a personal entry. “break me”

Małgorzata Ostrowska-Królikowska helps the needy. Meaningful recordings added

The star is not indifferent to the suffering of others, as evidenced by her recent work. The actress decided to prepare dry food products with a circle of rural housewives. She filled the box with bread, canned goods, lard, and tomato puree.

Małgorzata Ostrowska-KrólikowskaMałgorzata Ostrowska-Królikowska Małgorzata Ostrowska-Królikowska Instagram / screen

In addition, there are also large quantities of sweets in the box. The box was filled to the brim with food that would surely come in handy to refugees at the border in need.

Małgorzata Ostrowska-KrólikowskaMałgorzata Ostrowska-Królikowska Małgorzata Ostrowska-Królikowska Instagram / screen

On InstaStories, she talked about where they plan to offer the most important products:

We are representatives of Zalesianek, a group of rural housewives. We made lard and we will support the village housewives circle in Horyniec Zdrój, because these girls are near the border point and we are going – the star confirmed in the recording.

The actress also remembered the Ukrainian fauna, which is now difficult to get hold of. She prepared dry food and other essentials for her four-legged friends.

Antik KrulikowskiHow does Antik Krulikovsky live? Just look at these stickers. Incredible atmosphere for you We write about entertainment for you. But this does not mean that we do not remember or think of Ukraine. You can find all the most important information in these places:

All news about the war in Ukraine

How to help Ukraine – legal aid

How to help Ukraine – material and financial assistance

Help for friends from Ukraine

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