It was they who voted to ban internal combustion engines in Poland!  – – Ostro Wilkopolski

A list of members of the European Parliament who voted for a ban on combustion cars has appeared on the Internet, also in Poland. Interestingly, the leaders there are MEPs who come mainly from the current opposition, such as the Civic Tribune and the Left. Law and Justice party representatives voted against the ban, though one was fouled.

The European Union, with the votes of specific people, voted that cars with diesel and petrol engines would disappear from car showrooms in Poland. The purpose of the ban is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Combustion engines will only be available in new cars for 12 years. Showrooms will only be able to offer zero-emission vehicles. any. Driving, for example, on electricity produced by coal-fired power plants.

340 MEPs supported the ban and 279 opposed it. 21 abstained. They were behind the ban on the production of combustion cars from 2035: Adam Bilan (PiS), Marek Belka (PO), Robert Pedro (left), Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz (LEW), Bogusław Liberadzki (LEFT), Leszek Miller (left) and Sylwja Sporik (left).

Adam Bellan of the Law and Justice Party stated that he was wrong. And all this for tens of thousands of monthly salaries. However, he submitted a correction to the vote, which was approved. Against the ban were Law and Justice MPs and, interestingly, two from the Civic Platform: Radosław Sikorski and Ewa Kopacz (although in interviews she was in favor of the ban).

Andżelika Możdżanowska from our district was against the ban. In just 7 years – 55 percent. passenger cars and 50 percent. Trucks must be zero emission vehicles. From 2035, it will not be possible to register any internal combustion engine or hybrid vehicle in Poland.

Interestingly, manufacturers that produce less than 1,000 new cars per year, such as Ferrari, will still be exempt from the ban on the production of internal combustion cars.

As a curiosity, it should be added that Europe is responsible for 8% of carbon dioxide production, while China is responsible for 30%. However, no one enacts such regulations there.

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