Germany.  The trial of Joseph S.  the hundred-year-old, who was a trustee of the SS in Sachsenhausen |  world News

There is less and less time to bring war criminals to justice. Those who are still ¿yj ±They are elderly. Joseph S. is, to date, the largest defendant ever brought to court for his actions Tennis Court – He says BBC.

When Joseph S. Once The first became a guard at the Sachsenhausen camp near Berlin in 1942, at the age of 21. He is now accused of complicity in the shootings of Soviet prisoners of war and the killing of others with Zyklon B.

Low-ranking Nazis were only tried for a few years. The precedent that allowed prosecutors to be charged with aiding and complicity in Nazi crimes during World War II was the 10-year conviction of former SS guard John Demanjuk. Previously, it was direct participation in killing It had to be proven.

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“Only thanks to a doctor – a Polish – I survived the camp”

Joseph S. accused. The 100-year-old helped kill 3,518 prisoners. He was an SS guard at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp

Joseph S. was brought to trial for being an SS guard at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp in pe³ni He consciously and voluntarily participated in the brutal murder of more than 3,518 prisoners. The man is accused of complicity in the shooting of Soviet prisoners of war and the killing of others with Zyklon B.

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Like Joseph S. before a court in Brandenburg. A private courtroom is equipped

The accused Joseph S. worked as a locksmith after the war, and lived there for many years Brandenburg. He arrived in a wheelchair for the hearing on Thursday (7 October) and – according to the BBC – had a briefcase in his hands. The man is now approximately 101 years old and, according to his medical report, can only appear in court for two to three hours a day, including travel time to the courtroom.

– It is remarkable that the First Criminal Chamber of the District Court of Neuruppen is considering the Brandenburg an der Havel case – writes Diary “Berlin newspaper” – But it results from the old age of the accused.

Because of the medical certificate, the trial was moved closer to the man’s place of residence and a gymnasium in Brandenburg Prison was equipped for this. The trial is attracting so much attention that anyone who wants to take part in it will not fit into a courtroom, according to the BBC

The trial that began on Thursday is particularly important for the 17 Sachsenhausen survivors. Christopher Haeger was six years old when he saw his father Johann Hendrik Haeger, one of 71 Dutch fighters who fired at the camp.

Murder is not destiny. This is not a crime that can be legally eliminated over time, Christofel Heiger told the Berliner Zeitung newspaper.

Joseph S.’s trial is expected to last until January.

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Not all war criminals will be prosecuted. 3000 people worked in the Stutthof concentration camp, which was working in Poland. guards, and only 50 were brought to trial.

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