Bohosiewicz created a tutoring room for the children.  She revealed how it affected their lives

Maja Bohosiewicz He is one of the most famous Polish show business stars. She can count on a large group of engaged followers on social media, and as she recently revealed, she has made so much money that she will never have to take new orders again:

“Financially, I will never have to work again. However, I am a person driven by new projects. I cannot live any other way, and this gives me great joy,” she wrote.

So what does Maja spend her money on? What does he spend his huge profits on? It turned out to be one of the investments Teaching room For children. There are many indications that Maya wants her two children – Leonia and Zachary – to achieve similar success in life, which is why she provided them with such a room.

“When I heard about the idea of ​​having a separate room in the house, close to the exit, called the ‘teaching room’, I laughed at the idea. I thought that wasting square meters so that children could learn in this space was unacceptable.” Sick,” she wrote on Instagram.

Today he really appreciates this solution. Thanks to this, children have space to learn and have time for themselves.

“Actually, the kids' rooms aren't necessary because they sleep with us anyway and play in the garden. But the tutoring room is gold!” Teachers come to us four times a weekThey enter a room where there is nothing to distract children, such as toys, chaos, etc. “We have all the teaching aids there, plus it's at the entrance, so the teachers don't walk around the house and so family life continues nearby,” described the delighted star.

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