Babe Aguilar: This is the story behind your insult, the song created by WhatsApp |  Eden Munos |  Celebrities |  Stories |  Fame

Famous singer , Winner of dozens of albums and major music awards, is one of the greatest expressions . As a result of his long years of work in the industry, the artist is internationally recognized, and today he fills theaters in the Aztec country and in the United States and elsewhere in the world.

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When a song is released under the name Picture of Pepe Aquilar Placeholder, As Texan gives the best hits, high expectations arise about what the product will be. In fact, one of his latest themes Your Features “, He performs with musician “El Fondasma”.

The composition of the song, which screened its video clip on June 25, was the responsibility of the highly talented Eden Munas, who recently revealed it “Your Specialties” Created in a chat Share. Below, find out how the theme was created, garnering over 9 million views.

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This is how “your flaws” were born

Munas, through his Instagram account, explained how the popular title came about. Due to the measures adopted by Covid-19, it was not possible for the singers to meet in person to work on the song, which is how they relied on internet tools. Translator of “I will always love you” Aguilar came up with the idea for the lyrics and based on that they added other details and melody.

“This is one of the many songs that was born through WhatsApp. I’m really told you to take advantage of the technology and all the good things it offers us.”Eden explained in the video.

It was a success

After the song’s release, it hit the charts in Mexico and the United States. Who would say that it started on a record sent by his father Angela Aguilar The composer was also responsible for contacting other musicians to perform the duet:

“We were at a distance you could not imagine. He sent me an idea in a voice note, then I caught it, then I passed it, then I got it, then he looked for my comrade Fondasma, so the collaboration came out.”


Munos is a Mexican singer and composer who belongs to the Caliber 50 group, where he is a singer and accordion player. Some of his most popular songs “Old fashioned”, “I will always love you” and “Thank you”. He is 31 years old and He was nominated for the 2017 Billboard Awards for ‘Composer of the Year’.

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