Artemis.  NASA canceled the launch of the mission to the moon again

The Artemis I mission is one of the most important events in the history of the global universe since the last lunar flights. The goal of the program, in which Poland is also participating, is long-term and sustainable exploration of the lunar orbit and surface, as well as preparation for future exploration of Mars.

NASA canceled the rocket launch

On Saturday, NASA had to cancel the mission launch for the second time in a week because technicians were unable to deal with the hydrogen leak. The next opportunity to launch the rocket will be on Monday or Tuesday, according to the BBC.

The goal of the Artemis I mission is to test the main systems of the Artemis program, including the SLS (Space Launch System), the most powerful rocket since the Space Shuttle, and the soon-to-be Orion rocket. Take astronauts to the moon. Artemis I assumes Orion’s flight around the Moon. The mission will last for several weeks, and the capsule will be approximately 100 kilometers from the surface of our natural satellite.

The mission is being prepared for take-off, like the entire Artemis program, within the framework of international cooperation. The cooperation of NASA with the responsible European Space Agency (ESA), among other things, has a special dimension. for the Orion service unit. Poland is also among the 20 signatories to the Artemis Agreements, which allow active participation in the program.

Poland’s participation in the Artemis . mission

The Polish Space Agency (POLSA) notes that the participation of our country in the Artemis program opens a new avenue for the development of the domestic space sector. It will be necessary to create a lunar base, equipment for its operation and create conditions for people to stay on it.

“The Polish aerospace sector can provide, among other things, research tools, measuring equipment, elements of robotics and control, and also with the use of artificial intelligence. The possibility of searching, acquiring and processing local raw materials for the construction of bases in particular will be required. These will be the beginnings of what It is called space mining, which may become a new Polish specialty. Polish universities have already begun to train experts in this field “- emphasizes POLSA.

Read also:
Soyuz Apollo program. How to shake hands with enemies in space

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