Another clinic in Borowa is open.  Patients from three provinces [FOTO]

Following the success of the Cardiology Clinic which opened last year, the Municipal Health Care Center in Porowa has gone further by launching a Clinic for Neurological Diseases. As the mayor of Porowa admits, patients from three counties: Podkarpackie, Małopolskie and Świętokrzyskie already come to this small municipality.


Less than a year after opening the Borowa Heart Clinic, it is time for the next step. A neurological clinic was launched at the Community Health Care CenterTwo specialists in neurology were accepted: Paulina Dora and Raqib Abd Al-Dabwan.

– I am very happy that we managed to put everything on the last button and led us to set up another clinic in the Municipal Health Care Center in Borowa – admits Monica Jagociak, Head of GSP ZOZ in Borowa.

– When we opened a cardiology clinic, we were a little worried about whether we would have patients. Within half a year of operating the clinic 836 patients were diagnosed. This provides around 1,700-1,800 cardiology consultations annually. Neuroscience is linked to heart disease. The director, Monika Jagociak, has a comprehensive plan so that not only our residents, but all patients will be able to get an early diagnosis of a problem that may occur in the future – he says Stanisław Mieszkowski, Mayor of Borowa.

He adds that in addition to cardiology, the GZOZ also has a gynecological and rehabilitation clinic. There are also family doctors here.

Neurological diseases are a serious problem. Getting to the neurology clinic is important because of the motor impairments of patients with neurological diseases – he says Paulina Dora, a neurologist who will attend in Porowa.

Neurological diagnosis is very difficultEspecially in the elderly. And the neurologist adds that strokes are very severe Raqib Abdul Dabwan, who also receives patients at Barwa Clinic.

“Dreams come true,” admitted Frederic Kapinos, MP, who — as confirmed by Mayor Myszkowski — supports the municipality in many tasks, including efforts to secure a contract with the National Health Fund at the local clinic.

– When the cardiology department opened here last year, the mayor and the director talked about it Go with the flow and consider the following specialty clinics. Today is the good day for the arrival of the neurological clinic in Borowa municipality – Close to two counties: Małopolskie and ŚwiętokrzyskieBecause we know that patients from these regions come here – Kapinos said.

– It’s no secret that in June, the director of the Podkarpackie ambulance station in Mielec – Grzegorz Gałuszka will announce Tender for the design and construction of an ambulance sub-station in Borua. The functional and useful program has already been developed. This will be another step on the path to health security. We are very proud of these services A small municipality of less than 6,000 inhabitants is able to help residents of neighboring communesfrom Mielec, Połaniec, Staszów, not to mention Kielce – adds Mayor Mieszkowski.

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