8 centimeters, this is how the first independent Shinkansen train missed

East Japan Railways has released footage of its first self-tests Shinkansen super train. It may seem strange that Japan, famous all over the world for its advanced technologies, is only now testing itself independent trainsBut driving them was an honor for the citizens of this country and the authorities didn’t want to replace train drivers with self-driving systems yet.

However, the situation is starting to change. Struggling with rail Staff shortage problem. Therefore, tests of autonomous trains began. For a good start, this solution is being tested in combat in Niigata Prefecture. It turns out that Shinkansen E7 series He does a great job without drivers, even though they were on board during the tests.

Experiments have shown that the composition rocket train Can stop at a certain place in the station with The margin of error is only 8 cm. In terms of time, there was no delay. Meanwhile, human motor drivers can afford it 50 cm Error and a few seconds of delay. This shows how much accuracy the Japanese were able to achieve and have already almost improved, in terms of time, flights between stations.

The standalone versions of the E7 Shinkansen series have onboard systems that communicate with the East Japan Railway’s control center continuously. There, computers oversee warehouses and can safely Deliver millions of Japanese to their destinations. It should be noted here that all communications are through Ultra-fast 5G network.

East Japan Railways authorities have not yet announced when the independent trains will offer commercial flights, but we can expect that to happen Next year. In three years, the railway will start in Japan maglev, which is the transportation of passengers from Speed ​​over 600 km/h. A new generation of Shinkansen trains will also appear on the tracks. They have to provide flights at a speed of more than 350 km / h.

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