Prezydent Rosji Władimir Putin podpisał ustawę z poprawkami do kodeksu karnego, która przewiduje kary do 10 lat więzienia za dezercję oraz poddanie się - informuje niezależny portal Meduza.

The independent portal Medusa reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the law with amendments to the Criminal Code, which provides for penalties of up to 10 years in prison for desertion and surrender.

the changes Tougher penalties for crimes against military service During the period of mobilization and in conditions of armed conflict, as well as Introduce penalties for voluntary surrender and Zapper – writes Medusa.

In accordance with the amendments hastily adopted by the State Duma (the lower house of the Russian parliament) on the eve of the announcement of “partial mobilization” in Russia, voluntary surrender may be punished with a penalty 10 years in prisonAnd szaber – up to 15.

They were rescued from Russian captivity in very poor condition. Loved ones can’t recognize them

The law provides for a heavier penalty – up to 10 years – for arbitrary departure from the unit “during mobilization or under martial law”. It also provides for criminal liability in the event that conscripts fail to appear at the request of the military authorities and in the event of desertion.

It is also served Penalty for non-compliance with the order Commander issued during martial law, in time of war or in conditions of armed conflict or conducting military operations, as well as for refusing to participate in military or military operations (from two to three years in prison).

In a Wednesday speech, Vladimir Putin announced “partial mobilization.” Reservists must move to the front. According to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, 300,000 people will be mobilized.

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