Where is Apollonius Tagner?  Clear.  Suddenly all hell broke out in jump

At the meeting in Oberstdorf on March 17, he was the coach of the Polish jumpers Michel Dolyal Adam Maces was asked to provide information about his future before the end world Cup. In the end, on Thursday, March 24, PZN informed Doleżal that his contract, which will expire on March 31, will not be extended. This decision infuriated the largest Polish jumpers, Who defended the coachAnd we saw the effect in the interviews afterwards Competitions On the Slovenian hill.

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Adam Małysz reveals the plan of a new coach for the jumpers. “The talks are ongoing and very advanced.”

Thursday evening Adam messes And Wojciech Gumny (PZN’s deputy head of regulatory affairs) informed Doleżal not to renew the contract. The fact that Adam Macys was present at the meeting (a party to the dispute in the feud between the older jumpers and PZN) may have influenced the amount of escalation that would occur in the following days.

Apollonius Tajner was to come to Planica. Covid is the reason for absence

One can wonder why the decision on Dolyal’s departure and its clarification to the players was not passed by the president of the Polish Football Association – Apollonius. tagner. It is undeniable that he is the greatest diplomat in a relationship, has oratorical skills and does not directly conflict with any of the staff. And as we wrote on Sunday, internal animosities have been crushing employees for months.

Scoring in the jumpers squad. We reveal behind the scenes. There were supposed to be “two systems” in the summer

So we turned to Apollonius Tajner He asks why was he not there. Whenever he announced his arrival. Tajner also wanted to come to Planica to say a symbolic farewell to the World Cup, after all, in a few months’ time as his PZN presidency ends. However, the reason turned out to be weak.

– I had a positive test result for Covid virus last week. I informed those closest to me about it. I was isolated at home. Unfortunately, that’s why I couldn’t go to Planica. From Monday I will be at PZN.

PZN lost the fight for the narrative

Random chance meant that Tajner was unable to come to Planica, and this may have translated into the outbreak of conflict. Perhaps, thanks to Tajner’s presence, the union could have avoided valid accusations that PZN had abandoned the narrative about how it communicated information about Dolyal’s departure from staff. Especially a year ago Friday Adam Małysz decided to leave Planica so as not to cause unnecessary additional tensions. But his critics saw it as an escape.

It is no secret that the lack of activity of the Polish Federation was appalling. The Federation received blows from all sides for about three days, and no one decided to respond to the jumping stars. Only on Sunday Jan Winkel (General Secretary) spoke in the media, explaining the biggest misunderstanding.

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