What happened to the former Music Plus VJs?

A new web series Music plus years A time of around ten episodes will make it possible to recapture the feel of the station. But what happened to the VJs who represented the dynamic channel for 33 years? Here are a few.

• Read more: “The Music Plus Years”: Find your favorite VJs and animators

• Read more: “La Boche Blue at Noon” on TVA Sports!

Prophet-Alexander Chartier

First winner VJ needed, who worked with the television channel till 2007, has now been working with Radio-Canada for some time and now participates in several ICI premiere programs. Hosts the show Cultural stop Broadcast on ICI RDI on Saturdays at 9:30 AM and 4:30 PM.

Tatiana Polevoy

The creator of the web series, which will be released on November 5, Tatiana Bolevoi made her debut on Music Plus in 2009 after winning the third edition of the competition. VJ needed. Frédéric Bastien Forrest, who is still in the media today, is an elevated version that rivals Geneviève Lefebvre-Tardif and Karl Hardy.

After working with the station for 3 years, he worked as a host, columnist and researcher for several television, radio and web shows.

Stephen “Gonzo” Gonzalez

Tatyana Polevoi’s wife quickly switched to sports as she left the station. At the end of his second stay at the prestigious institution on the corner of St.-Catherine and Fleury, he joined TVA Sports, then 91.9 Sports, where he spent 8 years. He has hosted since the fall La Boche Bleu at noon on TVA Sports.

Sabrina Cournoyer

After radio stints in Port-Cartier, Rimouski and Drummondville, he is now a culture columnist. hello hello Joined MusiquePlus in 2012, winning a competition to host the show Click on.

A short stint in social media management Live from the universe Subsequently, he received a call to transfer in 2015 Hello weekend Another VJ, Tatiana Polevoy, was on maternity leave. “I’ve been sending my demo and my CV for years without getting a call back. I finally contacted myself when I least expected it as an alternative to maternity leave. When we come, we’re due! You have to believe in life,” she said in an interview with the magazine in 2017. 7 days.

Isabelle Desjardins

The station’s 2002 arrival stayed out of the spotlight until the podcast launched last summer. Isa’s blah blahAvailable on all listening platforms.

host More on order She is the wife of former Canadian player David Desharnais. He followed him to Switzerland, linking himself with HC Fribourg-Gotteron for the 2022-2023 season.

Regine “Reg” LaBlanche

Many remember his face as a skateboard boy, and famous show 123 Bunk. Regine Clave has been a true benchmark in this style of music.

After 16 years at MusiquePlus, he spent five years at the helm of the program Original Version (VO) At ICI Radio-Canada Agadie, he receives artists for interviews and performances. Now hosting the show Morning vs. Rej on BLVD 102.1 FM.

Chely Chau-Castonguay

The Franco-Ontarian’s name will always be associated with Musiqueplus, who spent 12 years at the station.

After some time Starts welland hosts the first Quebec edition BrotherSince 2021 Énergie has been co-hosting the morning show at 104.1 Gatineau-Ottawa with Bill Denis and Bill Brown.

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