What a scene.  This is how Barcelona players welcomed Lewandowski [WIDEO] football

Robert Lewandowski For the second time in a row, he won the Golden Boot for the top scorer in the European leagues. On Wednesday, he received the award he received for his achievements in the 2021/2022 season. And the Polish striker had already returned to Barcelona, ​​where the Blaugrana players had already greeted him with a statuette and congratulated him.

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Barcelona celebrates with Lewandowski

In social media F.C.B There was a short video clip showing Lewandowski coming to the club cafeteria, where the players are having lunch. Immediately his teammates noticed that the pole was wearing a suit and holding the Golden Boot in his hand, and they began to applaud him and congratulate him on the title of top scorer in Europe for the second season in a row.

– I am satisfied with being in Barcelona, ​​I am also proud and sure that next year will be good. Now I know it Barcelona It is more than just a club. Thanks to my wife and family. I’m proud and happy because I know how hard it is to work for it. I would also like to thank my former colleagues [z Bayernu Monachium] – said Lewandowski on Wednesday when he received the award.

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Last season, Lewandowski scored 50 goals with Bayern Munich, 35 of which were in the Bundesliga.

In Barcelona, ​​it is just as effective. In 19 matches, he scored 18 goals and scored four assists. Therefore, it contributed significantly to the top of the “Duma Catalunya” in the Spanish league table. Barcelona is five points ahead of Real Madrid. Loss may decrease after evening match “Royal” of Cadiz CF.

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Lewandowski will miss the next Barcelona match. You will play the New Year’s Eve derby with Espanyol. This is a red card penalty he received in the last match against Osasuna Pamplona. However, the pole may stop longer as a gesture of rejection, which could be considered offensive. The La Li Committee will make a decision on November 11.

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