“We weren’t worried about the noise.”  The publisher of Manor Lords was not afraid that the Polish strategy would disappoint 2 million players because it was advertised openly

May 19, 2024, at 11:56

The founder of Hooded Horse, publisher of the highly rated strategy game Manor Lords, explains his approach to marketing and wishlists on Steam.

Image source: Slavic magic


Hooded Horse CEO Tim Bender continues his interview series for gaming sites. In one of the previous discussions, he criticized publishing practices that harm developers, A Th conversation With the PCGamesN editorial team, he focuses, among others, on: on marketing-related issues Manor Lords And add games to your wishlist on Steam.

Conservative marketing for Manor Lords

When promoting the Polish strategy, Hooded Horse was primarily guided by the guidance of its creator Grzegorz Stycznia. They did not rely on “fancy gimmicks” (such as cinematic trailers) to generate as much hype as possible for the production, but on showing players what it really was.. For this purpose, various information about them, screenshots, videos and demos have been published, which interested parties can check before sharing them. Manor Lords W early access.

We weren’t worried about the noise. The way we promoted games – and the only way the developer wanted the game to be promoted – was to not use any fancy tricks to build something called “high.” We wanted to show the players what production is all about. We did this by posting information, screenshots, and videos and letting interested people play. This is a very conservative type of marketing. The more people watch the game, the more people will be ready for it, Bender said.

The Hooded Horse boss also mentioned that he actually knows January personally. He stated that they have the same approach in promoting the game, sharing it and turning it into a huge success. This means that for both developers, the most important thing when announcing titles is honesty and transparency.

Steam wishlist as a measure of interest in the game

Bender also explained how he views Steam wishlists from a marketing perspective. Recall that by January 2024, more than two million users had been added to the Valve platform Manor Lords To your wish list.

Hooded Horse’s CEO asked how to put games on wish lists. He noted that this could be caused by aggressive marketing that involves showing ads to “everyone and everywhere,” for example flashy trailers without gameplay that stirs up audience expectations.

However, publishers cannot be sure that recipients who have added such an advertised game to their wish list will purchase it when it hits the market. Especially when they see what the game actually looks like. That’s why Bender focuses on the authenticity of the production being promotedwhich ultimately increases the chances that the player on their wishlist will eventually purchase it.

A wish list is a measure of interest and reception. So, the gameplay appears Manor Lords It’s given me more confidence when it comes to wish lists. We showed people what the game actually was, without being flashy or trying to pull them in. We simply said: “What is this?” Hooded Horse CEO concluded.

Finally, let’s mention the creator’s latest offering Manor Lords. Grzegorz Styczeń is looking for three developers to join his teamabout what Inform on the site

  1. Manor Lords – Early Access Game Review. No wonder it’s the most anticipated game on Steam
  2. Manor Lords – Game Guide

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